How long is the waitlist?
The size of the waitlist for an established plot varies from year to year, but it generally has around 20 people on it. You can often get a plot in 1-2 growing seasons, but no guarantees!
We do have additional space available for people who are willing to build a raised bed from scratch and fill it with soil (at their own cost). The wait for this option is minimal.
Can I get a double plot?
One plot is assigned per residential address. We currently have a wait list and double plots are no longer assigned.
What are garden maintenance and improvement hours?
All members must do 10 hours of community work each year. For example, weeding, cleaning, planting, organizing social events, committee work, etc. Work parties will be scheduled throughout the year for members to get their hours in.
How much does it cost?
A plot is $40 per year. You will also be required to pay a one-time damage deposit of $25, which is returned if the plot is left in good shape with no garbage if you decide to give up your plot. If you don’t complete your community hours, you will be charged an additional $5/per hour up to 10 hours ($50).
All soil, seeds, plants, and improvements are at the members’ expense.
Where is the garden?
You can find us at 11410 Bonson Road, Pitt Meadows.
Is there a bathroom?
Yes, there is a bathroom on site. A code will be given to you after you are assigned a plot.
Do I need my own gardening tools?
No, we have all the gardening tools you could possibly want to borrow (and lovingly take care of)! A code for access to the sheds will be given to you once you’re assigned a plot.
What should I do after I have signed up for a plot?
Please be sure to read the rules and bylaws, (located on our website) as most answers will be available there.