While the most common way to get rid of rats is to lay poison or to place out traps, it is best to try not to
harm them.
Essential oils
According to the experts at Primrose, rats have one of the best senses of smell in the animal kingdom,
meaning disrupting this can deter them. They explained: “When used in concentration, essential oils can do wonders to effectively deter rats from your garden due to their potency
“Peppermint oil, citronella and eucalyptus essential oils in their pure form are all smells that rats will
dislike.” Place a few drops of these around areas where you know rats love to hang out and that should do the trick.
Hot pepper
The gardening pros noted: “Similarly to essential oils, rats’ high sense of smells means they can’t stand
hot pepper or anything very spicy so it will deter them forever.
“You can make your own homemade natural rat repellent spray with cayenne pepper or chilli flakes.”
To make this homemade spray, mix cayenne pepper or chilli flakes with water and gently heat the mixture to infuse the spices. Then spray the solution in areas where there are rats, being careful not to touch the plants with it.
Block off shelter
Rats love making homes in garden structures such as sheds, so it is important to block this off.
The experts cautioned: “Before you do this, ensure no rats are living underneath the structure you are
blocking off, as they will die an unpleasant death.
“Have a general clear up in your garden, getting rid of any debris and cutting back overgrown vegetation. This will provide rats with less cover.”
The gardening gurus explained: “Rats are neophobic, and this disruption of their territory will confuse
them and encourage them to make a home elsewhere.”
Remove food sources
Rats are often attracted to gardens because they contain lots of food sources, especially if you have a
compost heap.
The experts said: “Compost bins are a treasure trove to rats. Ensure your compost bin is secure and
move it away from possible routes of access, such as fences and walls.” Make sure rats also have no access to bird feeders as they will keep returning.